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celebrating PENTECOST with a MEANING.
God ordained the this month as the month of BLACK DIVINE HERITAGE IN CHRIST, because the absence of the AFRICAN is the absence of worship and the presence of the restored BLACK is the presence of  worship, thus the presence of God, it is no wonder that Jesus Christ is denoted by the Prophet Daniel as Messiah the Prince (bronze) and all the prophets who had revelation of the ressurected Christ saw him as BRONZE,  a colour which identifies the AFRICAN in scriptures (Ps 68:31 & Isaiah 18:2, 3)... Through Nimrod, all men were scattered and through Nimrod, all men will be gathered, this is the purpose of worship and in which man can have rule over the world of God... How then do you expect to have Pentecost without having the black man's restoration. 
The foundation of the celebration of Pentecost is to remember that God has established the African to once again, lead men in true worship!!! Pentecost is the feast of harvest and the days of the firstfruits ( a prince, NIMROD)... It is impossible to talk about Pentecost and not talk about Babel. And it impossible to talk about Babel without talking about the builder, founder and architect. Pentecost must be understood as the time of restoration of the Nimrodic Blessings!!! This fulfills also, the prophecy of calling Christ as The Prince and why the Messiah had to grow in the land of Africa and why his spirit body is also bronze... It is ordained that the promise must come through a Nimrod, that is a firm one, a bronze.. So when Jesus left Egypt, he looked like an African, a bronze and so is he called in prophecies.... Compare this to his name also, as the second Adam.
Adam means dusty and this is the same definition given for Africa from the wikipedia dictionary.. it says the etymology for Africa means dust.. Adam means dust and Africa means dust, so Adam was African.. and if the word Adam means Africa and the second Adam is Christ, then Christ had to take the image of the African... which is the image of all mankind, for all mankind came through Adam and thus all mankind came through Africa. This is why God from ages keeps on using the African as “the first”.. this is why God anointed Nimrod... but as all through this Adam (black man) died (were scattered from the presence of God), so through the second Adam (Christ who bore the image of the black man), shall men be gathered once again unto God. This was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost and from that time, God is seeking for an Adam, an African, to lead the world in bringing men back to him through Christianity, using them in the entertainment world, as gospel artist, presidents, nurses, doctors, rulers, opulent, rich, from sea to sea and from coast to coast...
“Princes shall come out of Africa” Ps 68:31
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